La Vache qui Tache: Speaking Game
Bonjour, everyone. I hope you are all well, and surviving the current weather conditions. Things have been wild here in Michigan. We've had a record amount of snow this month, record low temps and a record number of snow days at my school (6 so far!). Vive la neige!! I have a great speaking activity to share with you. It seems to work best with my French III class, but it might also work in French II, and it's too easy for French IV. It's a good game to use if students need to practice speaking more, if they need to review numbers, or if they just need a break from the usual. This game was shared with me by two wonderful French teachers from Michigan, Marge Mandl and Suzie Martin, in a presentation they gave at our MiWLA Conference. Everyone is a vache (cow) in this game. All vaches sit in a circle in chairs or at a desk. One vache (usually the teacher) stands in the center and is called la vache qui...