Monday, April 8, 2013

Le Petit Nicolas & Twitter!

Do you use Le Petit Nicolas (Sempé-Goscinny) in any of your classes like I do?  I've discovered two new resources this year to use while teaching this book that are super cool!  How did I find these resources, you wonder?  I learned about them both from the many talented teachers I follow on Twitter.  Voilà a compelling argument for why all teachers should be connected on Twitter. 

The first resource I learned about is the blog of a fellow French teacher I follow on Twitter (@juanfrance).  This blog is wonderful because students can read chapters from Le Petit Nicolas online here, but more importantly, they can listen to audio recordings of individual chapters being read online here too!  I recently tried having my students listen to the recording of a particular chapter on their iPads while reading silently at the same time, and found this to be very effective.  I was surprised at how appreciative they were.  In the past, I would have had students read the chapters aloud in groups.  I find that they retain less when they read aloud, as more of their brain power is focused on pronunciation. Merci, Juan, for this great resource!  I actually learned about this blog from another wonderful French teacher on Twitter, @sylviaduckworth, who tweeted about it.  Merci, aussi à Sylvia.

The second important resource is a new movie that came out in France in 2009 called Le Petit Nicolas.  The film is based on the book, and students will recognize scenes from many of the chapters while watching the film.  It is fabulous, and my students absolutely adored it.  One of them even purchased the DVD for herself.  I showed this movie in  French with English subtitles after students had read and studied many of the chapters  and it was a huge success.

I hope you'll find these ideas helpful.  And if you haven't yet connected with any other teachers on Twitter, now you know of at least two that are worth following!